John Steedman: Gartenfest: Freiwillige Feuerwehr (Volunnteer Fire Brigade), Neureichenau
John Steedman: Franz and friend, Neureichenau
John Steedman: JS self portrait in bathroom with Tesco toothpaste, Lackenhäuser
John Steedman: Sign on the Adalbert Stifter Trail, Bavarian Forest, Germany
John Steedman: Dreisessel, Bavarian Forest
John Steedman: Bavarian Forest: view from Dreisesselberg
John Steedman: Bavarian Forest: view from Dreisesselberg
John Steedman: Dreiländereck, Bavarian Forest
John Steedman: Statue on the exterior of Passau Cathedral
John Steedman: The world's first toe-sucker
John Steedman: The world's largest church organ, Passau Cathedral
John Steedman: Mariahilf Pilgrimage Church Wallfahrtstieg, Passau
John Steedman: Mariahilf Pilgrimage Church Wallfahrtstieg, Passau
John Steedman: Passau from Oberhaus
John Steedman: View from Bavarian Forest National Park (Wipfelweg)
John Steedman: View from Bavarian Forest National Park (Wipfelweg)
John Steedman: Burghausen from across the Inn in Austria
John Steedman: Marienkirche, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Marienkirche, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Marktplatz, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Beggar, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Reutlingen: Marienkirche etc.
John Steedman: Heimatmuseum, Reutlingen: Hitler stuff
John Steedman: Heimatmuseum, Reutlingen: Nazi stuff
John Steedman: Marienkirche viewed from Heimatmuseum, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Heimatmuseum, Reutlingen: exterior
John Steedman: View from the roof of the art museum, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Oberamteistraße, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Marktplatz, Reutlingen
John Steedman: Tübinger Tor, Reutlingen