John Steedman:
Notice for intelligent chickens, Kilve
John Steedman:
Milford Track: silly notice in bathroom, Sandfly Point
John Steedman:
"Drive carefully lambs" on the Pennine Way between Bellingham and Byrness
John Steedman:
Religious parting of the ways on the Pennine Way between Bellingham and Byrness
John Steedman:
Altered sign, Dunblane Station
John Steedman:
No Smoking sign at Juneau Hostel
John Steedman:
The creek that dare not speak its name
John Steedman:
Chenega I.R.A. Council
John Steedman:
Fort Abercrombie Military History Museum, Kodiak: part of Iraq display
John Steedman:
McDonald's "baby hanging station", Kodiak
John Steedman:
It's difficult to be unambiguous about this (sign aboard the ferry Kennicott)
John Steedman:
Festival Gift Shoppe, Cedar City, Utah: René Magritte Memorial Non-door
John Steedman:
View from Strawberry Point, Utah
John Steedman:
The Fanny Farm, Yarnell, Arizona
John Steedman:
Prince of Wales pub: sign
John Steedman:
Welcome to Mecca
John Steedman:
Welcome to Slab City
John Steedman:
Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff: sign
John Steedman:
Whittier United States Coast Guard Sub Station - "For weather information push butt"
John Steedman:
Petersburg: sign
John Steedman:
John Steedman:
Fourth of July, Wrangell: "holy burgers" courtesy of the Catholic Church
John Steedman:
Sign on the way to Bunny Ranch brothel, near Carson City, Nevada
John Steedman:
"Carefull elephants"
John Steedman:
Phnom Penh: Tuol Sieng Museum (Pol Pot's prison): "No laughing"
John Steedman:
Dame Edna Place, Melbourne
John Steedman:
"Nec tamen consumebatur": St Paul's Presbyterian Church, Invercargill
John Steedman:
Dunedin coat of arms
John Steedman:
The Yellow Peril in New Zealand, Arrowtown
John Steedman: