raleighsheffield: The train that will take me 75 miles to the Cotswolds, northwest of London
raleighsheffield: Not a fancy interior but comforatable. This train is less than 6 months old
raleighsheffield: Interesting train, built by Hitachi, runs on both eletric overhead lines and on diesel engines. Here was our spped about 6 min after leaving Paddington Station
raleighsheffield: In old English, Cots=sheep pen, wold=hill, so the Cotswolds means sheep pens on the hills. Here is a typical manor house, Chastleton House. Each manor house would have small cottages for the workers. There would also be a church nearby
raleighsheffield: Church and graveyard next to the manor house
raleighsheffield: I was there!
raleighsheffield: looking over the wall into the garden
raleighsheffield: This is the Secret Cottage where the tour operator lives. Cottage originally built for three families in 1580. Note the thatch roof which is common throughout the Cotswolds. For more info, Goggle Secret Cottage Tour
raleighsheffield: Fall colours(Brit spelling) in Lower Slaughter
raleighsheffield: River Eye in the lovely village of Lower Slaughter
raleighsheffield: It all looks like Disney designed this place
raleighsheffield: Peaceful and not overloaded with tourists
raleighsheffield: Another view of the mill in the background
raleighsheffield: The Falkland Arms, quaint 16th Century pub. The pub gets its name after Anthony Carey who was the 5th Viscount Falkland in whose honor the Falkland Islands were named. And now you know!
raleighsheffield: lovely scenes around Great Tew
raleighsheffield: Pastoral, quiet
raleighsheffield: More of Great Tew
raleighsheffield: Old Mill in Lower Slaughter
raleighsheffield: River Eye again
raleighsheffield: Another stone wall
raleighsheffield: St. Peter's Church, Upper Slaughter. Quaint church dating back to the 12th Century
raleighsheffield: Notice that the face on the stained glass of this church is visible from the outside. This apparently is usually not permitted but when window was replaced, image was viewed from both inside and outside
raleighsheffield: This manor house is located in the small village of Adlestrop belonging to the author Jane Austen's uncle. She visited here frequently and drew inspiration from the area to write "Mansfield Park". Adlestrop is title of a beloved poem by Edward Thomas
raleighsheffield: After lunch it was back in the 7 passenger van. These stone walls are very common, having been built without any mortar
raleighsheffield: The Secret was charming inside, but since he owner lives there, no photos except for the food which is next
raleighsheffield: Business district of Great Tew
raleighsheffield: Next stop, Great Tew. Typical homes
raleighsheffield: Another example of the thatched roofs. Made from water reedsm this roof is fairly new in the past two years
raleighsheffield: We were served a wonderful variety of traditional English goodies