raleighsheffield: Bankside buildings, on the south side of the Thames. The last day I walked along the Jubilee Walkway visiting sites across the Thames from the old historic London. While it turned cooler and looked like rain, it never did...the entire week
raleighsheffield: Right next to the south end of the unremarkable London Bridge is Southwark(SUTH-uck) Cathedral. This was Shakespeare's neighborhood church and while the church dates back to 1207, there has been a church on this site for a thousand years
raleighsheffield: Excellent info about the Cathedral
raleighsheffield: View down the nave
raleighsheffield: Stained glass near the entrance
raleighsheffield: Closer view toward the pulpit and choir
raleighsheffield: Looking back towards the entrance
raleighsheffield: Shakespeare Monument. William reclines in front of a backdrop of 16th Century Bankside skyline though that is difficult to see in photo. In the stained glass wiondow above a number of Shakespeare's characters are found
raleighsheffield: And here's William!
raleighsheffield: The organ
raleighsheffield: Altar area, note all the statuary
raleighsheffield: Last view of this beautiful church as we head towards the Boropugh Market right next door
raleighsheffield: Borough Market. This open air market was started a thousand years ago just east of here on the London Bridge(the original). The market noow sits under a Victorian arcade with busy railroad tracks overheadi
raleighsheffield: Good view of the overhead structures
raleighsheffield: Not sure what this was but there are foods from all over Europe and India here
raleighsheffield: Busy for 1000 AM
raleighsheffield: Meat market. Can you make out the risque sign?
raleighsheffield: Colorful!
raleighsheffield: A very industrial look
raleighsheffield: OK, one last fish and chips. OK but for $14 Long John Silvers would be just fine
raleighsheffield: With my fill of fish and chips I continued on the Jubille Walkway and came upon the Golden Hinde Replica. Remember earlier photo of gates in Greenwich through which Sir Francis Drake returned on his 1577-1580 circumnavigation of the globe?
raleighsheffield: The Golden Hinde(female deer) was his ship which carried a crew of 100. This replica is full size so it must have been very uncomforatable quarters. Note the golden deer in previous photo on the prow.
raleighsheffield: Close by the Golden Hinde were the ruins of Winchester Palace built in the 12th Century for visiting Bishops of Winchester. The next photo provides some very good info on this structure
raleighsheffield: Info on Winchester Palace
raleighsheffield: Just beyond the ruins was the Anchor Inn. It is the last of the original 22 licensed "inns"(tavern, brothel, nightclub) of Bankside's red light district heyday in the 1600's
raleighsheffield: The Inn has stood here for 800 years and it marked the beginning of the once-notorious Bankside Road lined with "inns" along a river retaining wall. This area offered one stop shopping for whatever you were addicted to!
raleighsheffield: Further along the Jubilee Walkway I found the rebuilt version of Shakespeare's Globe Theater. The original 3000 seat Globe was located close by. In 1612 during a play, the theater caught fire and burned completely down. This new Globe was built in 1997
raleighsheffield: As part of the 1500 seat Globe Theater there is an excellent museum of theater in Shakespeare's time.