raleighsheffield: Atocha Train Station, Madrid. After landing at Madrid airport and searching for an ATM for 30 min., jumped on a local train and arrived here 35 minutes later to begin the adventure
raleighsheffield: The Almudena Cathedral. Started in 1883 and finished 110 years later in 1993, is the seat of the Catholic Archdiocese of Madrid. The gray and white facade was added in 1950 to match that of the Royal Palace which is just a few steps beyond
raleighsheffield: Royal Palace, Madrid is the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family but is is used only for state ceremonies today. Construction began in 1735 and completed in 1755. It has 3,418 rooms and is the largest royal palace in Europe by square footage
raleighsheffield: Courtyard at Royal Paalce was rather stark with no greenery but some nice lamposts. My first of many selfies
raleighsheffield: Example of the artwork in the ceiling. In most ares of the palace, photos were not permitted.
raleighsheffield: My first taste of European artwork. Lots more to come in the next 36 days!
raleighsheffield: Royal Palace
raleighsheffield: Almudena Cathedral opposite Royal Palace. How about that lampost? More to come in the next few weeks
raleighsheffield: Lunch near the Royal Palace at Plaza de Oriente. It was getting warm and that beer went down too easily
raleighsheffield: Interesting buildings everywhere
raleighsheffield: San Miguel Market-food
raleighsheffield: Inside San Miguel
raleighsheffield: continued my walking tour to Plaza Mayor. Construction of the plaza with residentail four story buildings surrounding the plaza was begun in 1617. After a serious major fires, reconstruction began in 1790
raleighsheffield: One of nine entranceways. There are 237 balconies facing the plaza. Heaven for a peeping Tom I guess.
raleighsheffield: There were lots of people in the plaza but it was so large(423 ft x 308 ft) that there was room to enjoy the warm afternoon. That is King Phillip III on his horse to the right placed there in 1848
raleighsheffield: Interesting architecture everywhere
raleighsheffield: San Jeronimo Catholic church next to the Prado Museum, Madrid
raleighsheffield: Retiro Park, main Madrid park just a five minute walk from the Prado. In case you are wondering, the Prado does not permit any photography, so no pics here
raleighsheffield: Lunch time....again. Yep had another beer today
raleighsheffield: Retiro Park was quite large and had some very formal gardens
raleighsheffield: Interesting trees in Retiro Park
raleighsheffield: Quiet in the park. Walking back to my next art museum
raleighsheffield: Dept of Agriculture in Madrid. Nice architecture. It is right across the street from the train station. I passed by this building a number of times.
raleighsheffield: Reina Sophia art gallery, large collection of Picasso's. Guess what, I got in free because I was so old!
raleighsheffield: Reina Sophia gallery courtyard, former convent. This museum was across the street from the station where I headed next for my late afternoon train to Seville
raleighsheffield: Former track area in the older area of Madrid station
raleighsheffield: It's a jungle in here!
raleighsheffield: Better head toward the train for Seville. Goodbye Madrid, you were beautiful but crowded
raleighsheffield: Leaving Madrid on the first of many high speed train rides. Seville is about 300 or so miles away and this train will make the trip in 2 and 1/2 hours for an average speed of 120 MPH. This ain't Amtrak folks!