raleighsheffield: Rothenburg
raleighsheffield: My first of 4 trains to get to Rothenburg passes through Wolfsburg, home of VW.
raleighsheffield: First train change at Fulda. Here my first train departs for Basel, Switzerland. This electric locomotive as most are in Europe, pushes the train. Don't worry the engineer is in the first car which has the same controls as the engine.
raleighsheffield: Waiting for my high speed train, this ICE(inter city Express) heads north at Fulda
raleighsheffield: Three trains later I arrived at Rothenburg, a well preserved medieval town which draws tourists like bees to honey. This is my B&B for my one night stay
raleighsheffield: This Gate is part of the walled town which was founded in 1170. My B&B was about 100 meters(see I've gone metric) from this gate. The town was damaged in WWII but was spared further damage when Allied forces negotiated with Germans to surrender
raleighsheffield: Walking through the gate we approach Markus Tower
raleighsheffield: Hafengassen Street. Just like Disney would have done it
raleighsheffield: More town streets and arches
raleighsheffield: Yep the ever present tourists
raleighsheffield: Market Square. That is the Rathaus or new town hall on the left and the tourist info building with its unique clock on the right
raleighsheffield: Full view of Town Hall
raleighsheffield: Note the doors on the building near the clock. Legend as it that the town was saved from marauders when the mayor was able to drink a huge stein of beer in one gulp. The next photo shows the mayor drinking the beer
raleighsheffield: Enlarge and you can see the mayor and his challenger in the other door. This draws a big crowd every hour after which everyone gets a beer
raleighsheffield: Castle Gate
raleighsheffield: Castle Garden
raleighsheffield: Selfie time
raleighsheffield: Here you can see the wall
raleighsheffield: Peaceful scene
raleighsheffield: The white building with the tower is the old town hall
raleighsheffield: Look up Rothenburg in any reference and this is the picture you will see. Did pretty good to avoid a lot of tourists in this shot
raleighsheffield: Continued exploring the town
raleighsheffield: Spiral Bastion, I think. Corrections welcome
raleighsheffield: I think I might have been lost at this point but such a nice place, who cares?
raleighsheffield: Took the steps and walked along the inside of the wall
raleighsheffield: Every corner brings more great architecture
raleighsheffield: Getting late in the afternoon
raleighsheffield: Note the carved figure and and lamp light on the right