raleighsheffield: Train to Prague
raleighsheffield: Here is the diner and I'm ready for breakfast
raleighsheffield: It was good but that first cup of coffee was even better
raleighsheffield: Ever since I crossed into Switzerland I've been seeing these beautiful yellow fields. At first thought it was mustard seed but was told it is rapeseed; make canola oil from this plant
raleighsheffield: Here we are in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic. It is know as the city of one hundred spires. It has many colorful Baroque buildings, Gothic churches and a famous medieval astronomical clock
raleighsheffield: The Tower at end of the always busy street
raleighsheffield: Henry's Tower built 1472-1475 is 67.7 meters high. This bell tower still in use was built next to the church of St Henry. Church is gone and now there is a restaurant in this structure
raleighsheffield: The Astronomical Clock in the Old Town Square first constructed in the 1400's. Tourists gather tightly packed to watch the twelve apostles parade in front of the little doors, and then it happens all over again the next hour with new tourists
raleighsheffield: Tyn Church on the Old Town Square
raleighsheffield: More of the square, the center of all the action
raleighsheffield: More of the square with statue of Jan Hus who stood up against the papal tyranny of the Catholic Church in the 15th Century, 100 years before Martin Luther did so
raleighsheffield: St Nicholas also on the square. Had to get that streetlight in the picture. You know how I like them!
raleighsheffield: Well back to the hotel. If you think the tourists have bypassed Prague, think again
raleighsheffield: This is Wenceslas Square but really it is a broad main drag. It was the site of the communist overthrow in 1989
raleighsheffield: Thought this was an attractive building in the late afternoon sun
raleighsheffield: And yes here is the Good King Wenceslas himself looking down his broad avenue
raleighsheffield: Time for a tram. Most Central European cities have extensive tram systems. Most like this one are articulated with five sections so they can navigate the many narrow streets. They seem to work very well.....but not in Omaha please!
raleighsheffield: Next morning took the underground metro to the Prague Castle which proudly looks down on the Vltava River and Prague. This is the St Vitus Cathedral within the castle walls
raleighsheffield: Next morning took the underground metro to the Prague Castle which proudly looks down on the Vltava River and Prague. This is the St Vitus Cathedral within the castle walls
raleighsheffield: The construction of the cathedral began in 1344 and was completed in 1929. That is not a typo. It is massive with its Gothic style architecture
raleighsheffield: Look at that interior, just huge
raleighsheffield: Nosebleed section if you are the organist
raleighsheffield: This not stained glass but painted glass which gives richer color
raleighsheffield: Yet another angle showing its massive size
raleighsheffield: Time for a selfie
raleighsheffield: The next 5 photos are taken from the Castle grounds high above the city of Prague
raleighsheffield: Finished with that view
raleighsheffield: Just one more after this
raleighsheffield: Lovely city