raleighsheffield: First pic of Italy. This is Imperial taken from the train
raleighsheffield: There are towns all along the route into Genova
raleighsheffield: Traveling by train is THE way to see Europe
raleighsheffield: Interior of the first class coach
raleighsheffield: Welcome to Pisa.
raleighsheffield: My angle makes the tower almost look upright
raleighsheffield: You can see the lean here
raleighsheffield: The bell tower was completed in 1372 and began to lean even before it was finished. It is one of three structures of the Cathedral of Pisa. The Cathedral in the background is undergoing renovation
raleighsheffield: Had pizza(nice thin crust, not loaded with all sorts of crap) at this place then it was back to the station to catch the next train to Rome
raleighsheffield: The Arno River on way back to station in Pisa
raleighsheffield: Rome here we come. A three hour fast ride. Runs on conventional track not built for high speed so it only gets up to maybe 125 mph
raleighsheffield: I lucked out, got an upgrade. One of two penthouse rooms. Nice view of Rome at dusk
raleighsheffield: One week completed, only 4 more to go!
raleighsheffield: Here is the morning view before I head out to the top sights on this Wed.
raleighsheffield: First on the list, the Coliseum where brutal action occurred sort of like American football or ice hockey
raleighsheffield: The floor is gone. You are looking at the basement where the animals and victims were kept until their time in the arena. So long Charlie!
raleighsheffield: Resembles the Oakland Ca. Arena. Guess that's why the Raiders moved to Vegas!
raleighsheffield: Don't you know this place stunk with all that blood, guts, etc
raleighsheffield: Speaking of stinking, it's getting warm and I've already walked 2 miles. Time to shed the jacket
raleighsheffield: Next few just different angles
raleighsheffield: Had enough?
raleighsheffield: Arch of Constantine erected in 315 commemorates Emperor Constantine's battle in 312. It sits between the Coliseum and the Forum. It was also the finish line for the marathon at the 1960 summer olympics. Oh yeah, I remember that, sure I do.
raleighsheffield: Next to the Coliseum is the Forum which was where the major government functions were performed with various buildings and temples
raleighsheffield: Arch of Titus. 82AD. Commemorates Roman victory over Jerusalem
raleighsheffield: Detail, Arch of Titus
raleighsheffield: Basilica Aemilia 179AD. This was a huge building. This is just the remains of the ground floor. There were two more stories in similar size above this ground level
raleighsheffield: Temple of Saturn, I think, 497 BC
raleighsheffield: Temple of Vesta, date unknown