pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Hoy escribo al ritmo del latido de mi corazón. Día cargado de emociones. Cuando el trabajo se hace…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “GANCHO ENTRE AMIGOS Hoy he vuelto a cazar en mi tierra adoptiva. El día a priori era estupendo,…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “REPETIMOS!!!! Hoy he cazado como en el principio de los tiempos, a solas con Capitan. Nos ha tocado…”
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pavelgeorgiev1: IMG_9062
pavelgeorgiev1: IMG_9034
pavelgeorgiev1: IMG_9081
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “@highroadhunting Tags by @HashMeApp #outdoors #hunter #whitetail #fishing #hunt #deer #travel…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “@kristy_ingold”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Sometimes, @emily_perreira Just has to show the boys how it’s done!!”
pavelgeorgiev1: 5928517764_1557d096a4_o
pavelgeorgiev1: Donna2_B1BA8730-F893-11E4-A28202DDB0048605
pavelgeorgiev1: michellebrantleyhunting0.jpg.cropdisplay
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “•HELP ME• I'm having withdraws. Need to be back in the woods
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “20 degree sit was worth it #baconator #hoghunting #texas #gingerhog”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Any guesses how much @gwgjen's hog weighed Watch this hunt at #RedBankOutfitters on…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Après un début de saison chaotique, cette année 2017 commence très bien avec le prélèvement de…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Friday night date night was a success #pighunt #texas #hogs”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Here piggy piggy piggy
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “It's Warthog Wednesday! Here's a throwback photo of @gwg_nur - catch all episodes, new and old, at…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Join our tribe @shehuntress Meet Brittany @brit_hickey My family doesn't hunt but I grew up in a…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Join our tribe @shehuntress Meet Kimberly @kim_ann377, “I grew up in a small town in Texas. I had…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Piggy down at Rancho Corona de Espinas.
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Ready to get back in the woods tomorrow and slay some hogs! #whatgetsyououtdoors #itsinmynature…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Smoked. South Florida. #Hoyt #HoytTaggedOut #CarbonSpyderTurbo
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Something about killing pigs and my pig tails....
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Spot and stalk success today #hoghunting #sundayfunday”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Two wildboars from Mauritius for me... Love to hunt with the best one ♡…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Was lucky to be there in the moment when Hedda shot her first wild boar. A kèiler on 70kg. the…”
pavelgeorgiev1: Photos of “Wohooo