timmboot: Early Morning Hike
timmboot: Early Morning Hike
timmboot: Waiting for a Ride
timmboot: Relaxing in Napa
timmboot: Enjoying the scenery
timmboot: Cooling off one foot at a time!
timmboot: Black & Blue
timmboot: Ojai Spa Day
timmboot: A Fun Work Out
timmboot: After Lunch Swing
timmboot: Lunch in Solvang, CA
timmboot: Dress Rehearsal
timmboot: That look gets me every time.
timmboot: 2020_Surprise
timmboot: Trucker Girl
timmboot: Stay Hydrated!
timmboot: Pillow Fight!
timmboot: There’s that smile!
timmboot: Visiting with John Steinbeck
timmboot: Shopping
timmboot: Fall colors are back!
timmboot: Jumping (3 inches) for joy!
timmboot: How did these get here?
timmboot: Ready to hug a tree
timmboot: Checking out the TV
timmboot: Getting some vitamin D
timmboot: Let's stay in tonight!
timmboot: Contemplating Her Next Move
timmboot: Moonrise
timmboot: Very Good With Tools