Surely Shirly:
Texas bluebonnet -- Lupinus texensis
Surely Shirly:
Amaryllis -- Hippeastrum 'Appleblossom'
Surely Shirly:
Dwarf Mexican Petunia or Katie Pink or Katie Ruellia -- Ruellia simplex
Surely Shirly:
azalea -- Rhododendron
Surely Shirly:
Tulip -- Tulipa Gavota
Surely Shirly:
Prairie nymph -- Herbertia lahue
Surely Shirly:
Texas Spiderlily -- Hymenocallis acutifolia
Surely Shirly:
Orange Hibiscus
Surely Shirly:
Pride of Barbados -- Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Surely Shirly:
Red Hibiscus
Surely Shirly:
Queen Anns Lace -- Daucus carota
Surely Shirly:
Angle Trumpets----Brugmansia suaveolens
Surely Shirly:
Nerium oleander
Surely Shirly:
Nerium oleander
Surely Shirly:
Lily -- Lilium 'Tiny Double You'
Surely Shirly:
Nerium oleander white
Surely Shirly:
Nerium oleander peach
Surely Shirly:
Nerium oleander (yellow, unusual--maybe Sue Hawley Oakes)
Surely Shirly:
Nerium Oleander
Surely Shirly:
Variegated Hibiscus
Surely Shirly:
Pincushion flowers -- Scabiosa triandra
Surely Shirly:
Mexican honeysuckle -- Justicia spicigera
Surely Shirly:
yellow trumpetbush -- Tecoma stans
Surely Shirly:
paperflower -- Bougainvillea glabra
Surely Shirly:
Surely Shirly:
Bird of Paradise -- Strelitzia
Surely Shirly:
French Marigold -- Tagetes patula
Surely Shirly:
Cardoon -- Cynara cardunculus
Surely Shirly:
Hibiscus 'Madonna'
Surely Shirly:
orchid cactus -- Epiphyllum hybrid 'Unforgettable'