Heptageniid: 1-25-07: sunset balance
Heptageniid: 9/14/07 Day 41:sunset on a very rainy day....
Heptageniid: sunsets at beginnings
Heptageniid: 1/5/08 Day 151: Dinner and a show
Heptageniid: 12/4/07 Day 121: somedays I feel like a ghost
Heptageniid: 12/4/07 Day 121: Monet at night
Heptageniid: 12/4/07 Day 121: night lights envelope
Heptageniid: pathway of the sky and car
Heptageniid: 11/29/2007 The drive home
Heptageniid: 10/17/07 Day 74: sunset Karate Kid by the Bay
Heptageniid: gemotry of light in shadow
Heptageniid: 9/14/07 just singin' and dancin' in the rain
Heptageniid: 8/22/07 Day 18: bay sunset sillhouette
Heptageniid: shadows of music to be
Heptageniid: 1-25-07: Sunset Balance cropped
Heptageniid: salutory greeting
Heptageniid: twin palm
Heptageniid: barred sunset
Heptageniid: foot in the fire
Heptageniid: 1-25-07: sharing the sun
Heptageniid: play on color at sunset
Heptageniid: watching the waves at sunset
Heptageniid: caught in the sunset
Heptageniid: empty against the light of morning
Heptageniid: Joe in silhouete
Heptageniid: 9/5/07 Day 32: Marina sunset
Heptageniid: 12/18/07 Day 135: trying new silhouettes
Heptageniid: 9/14/07 umbrellas at sunset
Heptageniid: 9/18/07 Day 45: ubiquitous sunset bay reflection shot