Heptageniid: rainbow carousel illumation
Heptageniid: 8/13/07 Day 9: I knew SOMETHING was wrong today....
Heptageniid: 8/27/07 Day 23: Over my head
Heptageniid: fountain reflections
Heptageniid: did you find a temple under the bridge today????
Heptageniid: 8/7/07 Day 3: it's the dress.... had to be done
Heptageniid: the amazing flying Oreo.....
Heptageniid: winds swept
Heptageniid: 9/25/07 Day 52: Feet together now....
Heptageniid: rain drop (bloop!) rain drop (bloop!)
Heptageniid: Look at my blue feet.....
Heptageniid: 1-25-07: sunset balance
Heptageniid: lines of light, plank, and shadow
Heptageniid: 9/18/07 Day 45: ubiquitous sunset bay reflection shot
Heptageniid: Sally Light Foot in the tide pool
Heptageniid: 8/24/07 Day 20 : needed: one shower.... one coffee....
Heptageniid: whiskers all the way
Heptageniid: sweet Mia curtain gliding
Heptageniid: cool drink on a hot afternoon
Heptageniid: touch lightly
Heptageniid: Sally Light Foot on lava rock
Heptageniid: 8/23/07 Day 19 close examination
Heptageniid: cathedral for the birds
Heptageniid: double rainbow
Heptageniid: 9/5/07 Day 32: Marina sunset
Heptageniid: Marta in the light
Heptageniid: peirly visible
Heptageniid: pier patterns
Heptageniid: . . . . reflections. . .
Heptageniid: sunflower becoming. . .