Heptageniid: 8/29/07 Day 25 Up, In, & Down
Heptageniid: 8/29/07 Up, In, Down 2
Heptageniid: hangin'
Heptageniid: between the knots
Heptageniid: pointed between
Heptageniid: on the edge
Heptageniid: 8/30/07 Day 26 Ecuador sun of coconut
Heptageniid: 8/25/07 Day 21: up grated
Heptageniid: 8/25/07 grated up the wall
Heptageniid: 8/25/07 don't look back
Heptageniid: 8/22/07 the divide
Heptageniid: resting oats
Heptageniid: 8/22/07 on the boardwalk
Heptageniid: 8/22/07 spring
Heptageniid: 8/21/07 Fratellis dance out
Heptageniid: 8/18/07 Day 14: Fairy wishes for a day
Heptageniid: 8/18/07 fairy dreams and wishes
Heptageniid: 8/18/07 behind the fairy dream
Heptageniid: 8/15/07 Day 11: Reaching for GCCC
Heptageniid: 8/11/07 Day 7/365 upon reflection
Heptageniid: eye on the horizon
Heptageniid: 8/11/07 trapped in the loop
Heptageniid: 8/6/07 Day 2: Back to work and riding the waves of change.....
Heptageniid: Mr. Crabbs
Heptageniid: texture combo entrance
Heptageniid: sunny afternoon on the dock.....
Heptageniid: after the rain...
Heptageniid: twist in the light