Heptageniid: Marta in the light
Heptageniid: follow the candle light row to Dana
Heptageniid: Lori and Levi comfied chaired
Heptageniid: Marta happy face!
Heptageniid: The happy newleyweds Tracey and Michelle
Heptageniid: It's Joe!!!
Heptageniid: elegant Ivy
Heptageniid: Dana found the reindeer antlers :)
Heptageniid: comfy chair gets everyone in the end. ....
Heptageniid: flaming fireplace
Heptageniid: comfy cozy couple
Heptageniid: I stole Dana's idea....
Heptageniid: party living room crew
Heptageniid: Lori and Levi switcheroo topperoos
Heptageniid: THE look....love it!
Heptageniid: Michelle in motion....
Heptageniid: sweet Marta. . . .
Heptageniid: Dana listening (and Michael, too. ..)