Heptageniid: 1-25-07: Sunset Balance cropped
Heptageniid: sunset hammock comfort. ..
Heptageniid: 9/18/07 Day 45: ubiquitous sunset bay reflection shot
Heptageniid: of the old wood
Heptageniid: fountain reflections
Heptageniid: 9/14/07 Day 41:sunset on a very rainy day....
Heptageniid: 9/8/07 Day 35: surprise inspiration
Heptageniid: 8/8/07 Day 4: Divided
Heptageniid: 10/7/07 1 Day 64: self expressions
Heptageniid: 9/2/07 Day 29: Haalllloooo in there....
Heptageniid: feetsies.. .
Heptageniid: path bokeh
Heptageniid: footprint artwork
Heptageniid: plethora of texture
Heptageniid: marker......and beyond
Heptageniid: hike scenery
Heptageniid: good kayaking day....
Heptageniid: watching the waves at sunset
Heptageniid: whiskers all the way
Heptageniid: the amazing flying Oreo.....
Heptageniid: duo date at the river
Heptageniid: Marta in the light
Heptageniid: chairs waiting
Heptageniid: 9/9/07 Day 36: Between Sunday Chores
Heptageniid: 9/29/07 Day 56: it's the eyes....
Heptageniid: 9/28/07 contortioned
Heptageniid: 9/25/07 Day 52: Feet together now....