eyawlk60: あたたかい / Warm feeling
eyawlk60: さあ、ご一緒に! / Dancing,tonight
eyawlk60: 春のよそおい / The look of spring.
eyawlk60: 温泉宿 / A hot spring inn
eyawlk60: 懐かしい・・・ / Good old scenery 
eyawlk60: ちょっと一服 / Have a break.
eyawlk60: レトロな雰囲気 / A nostalgic atmosphere
eyawlk60: ちょっと休憩・・・/ We enjoy the hot spring.
eyawlk60: 華やかさ / Japanesque
eyawlk60: 吸いこまれそう / Outside scenery
eyawlk60: 貫禄あり /Feeling of awe 
eyawlk60: 花一輪 / A beautiful figure
eyawlk60: 映された景色 / Scenery
eyawlk60: 静かな佇まい / Quietness
eyawlk60: 本館 / A long-established personality
eyawlk60: 館内散策の始まりです / Beginning the search of the treasure!
eyawlk60: 本館 / A long-established personality
eyawlk60: 本館 / A long-established personality
eyawlk60: 朝、宿 / Scenery of the morning
eyawlk60: 陽光 / Calm light of the spring
eyawlk60: 春を感じて・・・ / Feel Japan
eyawlk60: 静かな佇まい / Quietness
eyawlk60: 賑やかさを感じて・・・ / The feeling of the pleasure of home life
eyawlk60: 小鳥のさえずり / Birdsong of the morning
eyawlk60: 初冬の景色