Martin Pilschek: Fischadler
PMBrem: Otter with Garfish
patricia.hoedts: Tallarol capnegre - Curruca cabecinegra - Sardinian warbler - Fauvette mélanocéphale - Curruca melanocephala
seandarcy2: Golden Eagle 12_Z9B2033-NR
zeuss62: Civetta nana
kabacaly11: Rosefinch
kabacaly11: Dipper
Ted Holm Photography: As I walked through the forest, I reached a serene creek adorned with vibrant fall colors, a perfect moment of peace
PMBrem: White-tailed eagle
Nicholas Ferrary: Polar Bear
A Moment in Nature: Pelicans & the Moon
Ian Mc Farlane: Cape Buffalo
cliveswildshots: CommonKingfisher,UK.
cliveswildshots: Common Kingfisher,UK.
WildImages: Elephant group coming to water 107_0784
Ian N. White: White-fronted Bee-eater (Merops bullockoides)
Tim Melling: Goshawk
alainclement: Black-winged Kite - Elanions blancs
Lagier01: Curruca cabecinegra.
Daniel Cadieux: Green-winged Teals Tip-feeding
Hari K Patibanda: A Coppersmith Barbet gets too close!
Steve Santel: Black Leopard
Alexandre Milan: Jabiru d'Afrique - Saddle-billed stork
Alexandre Milan: Pygargue vocifère - African fish eagle
Alexandre Milan: Aigle huppart - Long crested eagle
patricia.hoedts: Aguila daurada - Aguila real - Golden eagle - Aigle royal - Aquila chrysaetos
images@twiston: Daybreak at the copse
Francesc F P: Blavet_Blauet