archiphot56: Stone lace
archiphot56: My Lady has a heart of stone
archiphot56: Statue in love
archiphot56: JP in the valley of saints
archiphot56: Sant Goneri (St Gonery) Sculptor David Puech Valley des Saints"!
archiphot56: Santez Klervi (St Clervie) Sculptor Bilal Hassan Valley of the Gods, Some of them are 5 or 6 meters high but this one is about 4 meters. A lot are made on the spot but some come from the other Gaelic countries, mostly Ireland and Wales. They are of variou
archiphot56: Santez Katell (St Catherine) Sculptor Jean-Philippe Drevillon Valley des Saints, in Brittany there are 1000 known Celtic saints, and this huge area has started to collect and even have made, many of them. For the moment there is over a hundred.
archiphot56: Sunset on the Valley of the Saints
archiphot56: Valley of the gods 70-300mm Sigma vintage at f16
archiphot56: Sant Bodvael (St Botmael)
archiphot56: Hélène à la valley des saints taken with my 70-300mm Sigma
archiphot56: New statue (par le petit trou de la lorgnette) Merci à Regi pour le titre. Sant Bieuzhi (St Bieuzy)
archiphot56: Saint Onnenn
archiphot56: 27th of August 2020 Valley of the gods
archiphot56: St Botmael
archiphot56: Sophie in the wind
archiphot56: Sant Goneri (St Gonery) Sculptor David Puech Valley of the saints