archiphot56: Our LittleGarden
archiphot56: Papillon de nuit
archiphot56: f2,8 100asa 1/125s avec 55mm micro-nikkor
archiphot56: Todays flower Fleur du jour
archiphot56: square flower
archiphot56: Camouflage
archiphot56: Pretty little thing
archiphot56: Forest flowers 👍
archiphot56: Tenant in my chicken coop
archiphot56: Too nice not to capture 🙏
archiphot56: Morning rose 3
archiphot56: Merry Christmas to my friends
archiphot56: Feather in the rain
archiphot56: Azaleas 1 (In natural light)
archiphot56: Clématites mauve
archiphot56: A friend for dinner on a bottle brush
archiphot56: "Art is in nature"
archiphot56: Arum du jardin
archiphot56: Poisonous beauty (my fried egg) Done at f2.8 with my vintage micro Nikkor 55mm
archiphot56: Summer back-light
archiphot56: Les fleurs de Claudie
archiphot56: September flowers Wild rose or as I'm not sure Japanese Anemone
archiphot56: Water lily 1
archiphot56: May rose
archiphot56: Passiflore and it's fruits
archiphot56: Passiflora and it's fruit