hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Leader of the band
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: The long line
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Double bubble
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Short and Long
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Like these shades?
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Couple of buddies
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: It's a gent's parade
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Now back in class
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Pirate in the hallway
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: A creepy graveyard
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Into the maze
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Entering the maze
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: No turning back
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Blocking the way
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Don't mess with him
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Warning signs
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Corner creature
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Are you sure?