hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Brighten up party
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: The table view
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Parish priests with Kerrs
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: She won the ring
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Darlene checks book
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Checking champagne glasses
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: A party of four
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Sideboard winners
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: St. Paul Colors
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: The volunteers
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Table of auction items
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: Ready for party
hliggett@sbcglobal.net: 50/50 sellerw