J H Newton Photography: Olive Sparrow
J H Newton Photography: Orange-crowned Warbler
J H Newton Photography: Nonbreeding male Indigo Bunting
J H Newton Photography: Nonbreeding male Indigo Bunting
J H Newton Photography: Male Orchard Oriole
J H Newton Photography: Male Orchard Oriole
J H Newton Photography: Female Orchard Oriole
J H Newton Photography: Orchard Oriole, Blue Grosbeak and female Painted Bunting
J H Newton Photography: Yellow-breasted Chat
J H Newton Photography: Fledgling Black-crested Titmouse
J H Newton Photography: Fledgling Black-crested Titmouse
J H Newton Photography: Male Blue Grosbeak
J H Newton Photography: Female Blue Grosbeak
J H Newton Photography: Black-throated Green Warbler
J H Newton Photography: American Redstart
J H Newton Photography: Bronzed Cowbird
J H Newton Photography: Brown-headed Cowbird
J H Newton Photography: Male Painted Bunting
J H Newton Photography: Black-capped vireo
J H Newton Photography: Male Wilson's
J H Newton Photography: Male Wilson's Warbler
J H Newton Photography: Yellow-throated Vireo
J H Newton Photography: Yellow Warbler
J H Newton Photography: Cedar Waxwing
J H Newton Photography: Cedar Waxwing
J H Newton Photography: Great Blue Heron nesting
J H Newton Photography: Pied billed grebe
J H Newton Photography: Great Egret with breeding plumage
J H Newton Photography: Great Egret with breeding plumage and coloration