Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2615
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2605
Fellowship Square: 20240325_104051
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2610
Fellowship Square: 20240325_104107
Fellowship Square: 20240325_104121
Fellowship Square: 20240325_105349
Fellowship Square: 20240326_102341
Fellowship Square: 20240325_105404
Fellowship Square: 20240325_105414
Fellowship Square: 20240325_105426
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2604
Fellowship Square: 20240325_105443
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2634
Fellowship Square: 20240325_105715
Fellowship Square: 20240325_110048
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2627
Fellowship Square: 20240325_111442
Fellowship Square: 20240325_111631
Fellowship Square: 20240326_101652
Fellowship Square: 20240326_102216
Fellowship Square: 20240326_103127
Fellowship Square: F786032E-F4CA-470B-A79F-1E3748F9E26B
Fellowship Square: HWFH Bus Trip to DC- (Left to right) Shazie A., 85, Tamara R., 76, Kavsar S., 70, Sousanna K., 82 - quote from one resident of the importance of the bus trips
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2603
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2606
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2618
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2632
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2636
Fellowship Square: thumbnail_IMG_2637