Patricia Buddelflink: Bee in an autumn flower
Patricia Buddelflink: Beautiful bug
Patricia Buddelflink: Allium with bumblebee
Patricia Buddelflink: Feuerwanze-Fire bug
Patricia Buddelflink: Autumn anemones-Herbstanemonen with a wesp
Patricia Buddelflink: Art of nature
Patricia Buddelflink: Bumblebee and Veronica
Patricia Buddelflink: Wesp in a Corean Bee bee tree
Patricia Buddelflink: Hummelschwärmer-broad-bordered bee hawkmoth [Hemaris fuciformis)
Patricia Buddelflink: Schwefelkäfer-Sulphur beetle
Patricia Buddelflink: Bluebottle on a thistle
Patricia Buddelflink: Novickia Ferox
Patricia Buddelflink: Hello, my beautiful dinner!
Patricia Buddelflink: Novickia ferox?
Patricia Buddelflink: Borstige Dolchwespe Scolia hirta
Patricia Buddelflink: Borstige Dolchwespe Scolia hirta
Patricia Buddelflink: Schenkelbiene
Patricia Buddelflink: Gemeine Stiftschwebfliege Sphaerophoria scripta with a mite.
Patricia Buddelflink: Grüne Sauerampferkäfer (Gastrophysa viridula)
Patricia Buddelflink: Tetrataenia surinama, Buntschrecke
Patricia Buddelflink: Ants buffet on a Helicomia rostrata
Patricia Buddelflink: Cephalotes, Turtle Ant, Ecuador