МирославСтаменов: Anemone and lungwort
МирославСтаменов: Fresh foliage of Acer platanoides
МирославСтаменов: On the bottom of the ravine
МирославСтаменов: Corydalis marschalliana
МирославСтаменов: In the world of a forest valley
МирославСтаменов: Composition from Caltha palustris
МирославСтаменов: Greenery of a wild apple-tree
МирославСтаменов: Ficaria verna in the spring forest
МирославСтаменов: Serenity and darkness
МирославСтаменов: Last september fly-agaric
МирославСтаменов: Backwoods of Kaluga region
МирославСтаменов: Overlook from the hunting tower
МирославСтаменов: Overlook from the hunting tower II
МирославСтаменов: Mapple in the abandoned garden
МирославСтаменов: Maple leaves among the apple trees