Guyzer1154: Instax Square
Guyzer1154: On the river bank.
Guyzer1154: DSCF0009
Guyzer1154: _1000671 -1
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0001DSCF0001 copy
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0002DSCF0002 copy
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0003DSCF0003 copy
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0004DSCF0004 copy
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0005DSCF0005 copy
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0006DSCF0006 copy
Guyzer1154: Ready for the snow
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0008DSCF0008 copy copy
Guyzer1154: Castle Bow
Guyzer1154: Seats to spare.
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0011DSCF0011 copy
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0012DSCF0012 copy
Guyzer1154: 03172018DSCF0013DSCF0013 copy1
Guyzer1154: Bos cafe