mitchsinclair: nice place for a nap
mitchsinclair: tokyo1 493
mitchsinclair: the street our ryokan was on
mitchsinclair: they wanted to take a picture of us because we're weird?!
mitchsinclair: rickshaw
mitchsinclair: spread 1 of a 7 course traditional dinner
mitchsinclair: prettiest night light ever
mitchsinclair: view outside our ryokan window
mitchsinclair: kyoto monk
mitchsinclair: no idea what she was making but it looks delicious
mitchsinclair: waiting for the guitar shop to open
mitchsinclair: dont ask me how many times i forgot to take my shoes off
mitchsinclair: Kiyomizudera
mitchsinclair: steets leading up to the Kyoto temple
mitchsinclair: montonago ryokan
mitchsinclair: ueno streets
mitchsinclair: i dont know what these are
mitchsinclair: crabby wall
mitchsinclair: prayer room
mitchsinclair: stone buddies
mitchsinclair: DSC00416.JPG
mitchsinclair: umbrella street
mitchsinclair: our tatami room
mitchsinclair: rickshaw
mitchsinclair: here's hoping he got a good one
mitchsinclair: working boys
mitchsinclair: in the bullet train