bentolley1: 20STA002 Approaching Tixall Lock on the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal
bentolley1: 20STA006 Tixall Lock, Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal
bentolley1: 20STA007 Burdock near Milford
bentolley1: 20STA008 Burdock, near Milford
bentolley1: 20STA010 Tixall Gatehouse, seen across the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal
bentolley1: 20STA013 Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal near Great Haywood
bentolley1: 20STA014 Cock pheasant near Great Haywood
bentolley1: 20STA016 Approaching Great Haywood along the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal
bentolley1: 20STA021 Robin near Great Haywood
bentolley1: 20STA027 Shugborough Hall
bentolley1: 20STA028 Rook, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA029 English longhorn calves, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA031 English longhorn cow, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA032 English longhorn cattle, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA033 English longhorn bull, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA037 Arch of Hadrian, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA040 Arch of Hadrian, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA041 Fungus on felled tree, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20STA045 Anson family crest, Stafford Lodges, Shugborough
bentolley1: 20WSY001 Treecreeper, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY006 Robin, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY007 Canada goose, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY011 Male chaffinch, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY013 Blue tit, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY017 Mystery duck, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY018 Yellowhammer, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY021 Male chaffinch, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY024 Robin, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY025 Male chaffinch, Wolseley
bentolley1: 20WSY027 Bank vole, Wolseley