bentolley1: 18SHR008 Sheep and lambs on western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR009 Lamb on western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR010 Lambs on western slopes of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR017 All Stretton and the Batch from the western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR021 The Lawley and Little Caradoc from the western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR027 Little Caradoc, the Lawley and the Wrekin from below Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR029 The Lawley from below Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR030 Towards Brown Clee Hill from below Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR031 Below the summit of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR032 The Long Mynd and All Stretton from Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR033 The Lawley and the Wrekin from Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR034 Brown Clee Hill, Titterstone Clee Hill and Willstone Hill from Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR040 Hope Bowdler Hill from Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR045 The Long Mynd, Church Stretton and All Stretton from Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR048 Rocks on Caer Caradoc, with Willstone Hill and Brown Clee Hill beyond
bentolley1: 18SHR049 Willstone Hill and Hope Bowdler Hill, with Brown Clee Hill beyond
bentolley1: 18SHR054 Rocks on Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR056 Three Fingers Rock, Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR058 Rocks, Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR061 Church Stretton from the southern end of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR069 Flower among dead bracken, Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR072 Hawthorn, western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR073 Path and stream on western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR074 Sheep, western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR075 Lamb, western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR077 Sheep on the path, western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR078 Sheep on western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR079 Sheep on western slope of Caer Caradoc
bentolley1: 18SHR086 Nesting coot, Priorslee Flash
bentolley1: 18SHR088 Nesting coot, Priorslee Flash