bentolley1: 15SHR002 Titterstone Clee Hill from near Cleehill
bentolley1: 15SHR003 Bridge over Bensons Brook, Titterstone Clee Hill
bentolley1: 15SHR004 Old quarry buildings on Titterstone Clee Hill
bentolley1: 15SHR010 Shirley Brook, near Cleeton St Mary
bentolley1: 15SHR011 The radar station on Titterstone Clee Hill from the east
bentolley1: 15SHR12 Old quarry buildings on Titterstone Clee Hill, with Ludlow in the background
bentolley1: 15SHR014 Old quarry workings on Titterstone Clee Hill
bentolley1: 15SHR017 View west from Titterstone Clee Hill
bentolley1: 15SHR019 Stokesay Castle gatehouse, with the South Tower to the left
bentolley1: 15SHR020 The Solar Block, the Great Hall and the North Tower of Stokesay Castle
bentolley1: 15SHR022 The gatehouse of Stokesay Castle from the courtyard
bentolley1: 15SHR023 The gatehouse of Stokesay Castle from the South Tower
bentolley1: 15SHR024 The roof of the Great Hall of Stokesay Castle from the South Tower, with the Curch of St John the Baptist and the Gatehouse
bentolley1: 15SHR026 The South Tower, Solar Block and Great Hall of Stokesay Castle from the courtyard
bentolley1: 15SHR028 The gatehouse from the moat at Stokesay Castle
bentolley1: 15SHR029 The Sout Tower of Stokesay Castle from the moat
bentolley1: 15SHR032 The gatehouse of Stokesay Castle from the churchyard