bentolley1: 12LAK003 Moss Eccles Tarn 2
bentolley1: 12LAK004 The Langdale Pikes across Wise Een Tarn
bentolley1: 12LAK006 Wise Een Tarn and the Langdale Pikes 1
bentolley1: 12LAK007 Small tarn by Wise Een Tarn
bentolley1: 12LAK008 Sheep by Wise Een Tarn
bentolley1: 12LAK010 Boats on Windermere between Strawberry Gardens and Harrow Slack
bentolley1: 12LAK011 Windermere from the path to Far Sawrey
bentolley1: 12LAK012 Sourmilk Gill, Easedale 1
bentolley1: 12LAK013 Sourmilk Gill, Easedale 2
bentolley1: 12LAK014 Easedale and Loughrigg from by Sourmilk Gill
bentolley1: 12LAK015 Tarn Crag from below Easedale Tarn
bentolley1: 12LAK017 Helm Crag from below Easedale Tarn 2
bentolley1: 12LAK018 Easedale Tarn and Tarn Crag
bentolley1: 12LAK019 Easedale Tarn from the top of Sourmilk Gill
bentolley1: 12LAK020 Easedale Tarn, Easedale and Grasmere from below Tarn Crag
bentolley1: 12LAK022 Far Easedale from west of Tarn Crag
bentolley1: 12LAK023 Precariously sited rowan tree on crags on south side of Far Easedale
bentolley1: 12LAK024 Codale Tarn 1
bentolley1: 12LAK025 Codale Tarn 2
bentolley1: 12LAK026 Codale Tarn 3
bentolley1: 12LAK027 Easedale Tarn and Helm Crag from near Belles Knott
bentolley1: 12LAK030 Belles Knott
bentolley1: 12LAK031 Tarn Crag and Easedale Tarn
bentolley1: 12LAK032 Helm Crag across Far Easedale 1
bentolley1: 12LAK033 Signpost below Easedale Tarn (pointing up the valley)
bentolley1: 12LAK034 Helm Crag across Far Easedale 2
bentolley1: 12LAK035 Helm Crag from the Easedale Road