bentolley1: 17YOR004 Redpolls, blue tit and chaffinches, Sandbed
bentolley1: 17YOR007 Chaffinch, Sandbed
bentolley1: 17YOR010 Barn, Fell End
bentolley1: 17YOR011 Limekilns and Stennerskeugh Clouds
bentolley1: 17YOR013 Path near Cold Keld, Harter Fell behind
bentolley1: 17YOR014 Limekiln below Fell End Clouds
bentolley1: 17YOR015 The Street and Cold Keld
bentolley1: 17YOR016 Fell End Clouds
bentolley1: 17YOR017 Sheep below Fell End Clouds
bentolley1: 17YOR020 Sheep above Studfold
bentolley1: 17YOR021 Goldfinches, great tit and chaffinch, Sandbed
bentolley1: 17YOR025 Up Scandal Beck towards the Howgills from Smardalegill Viaduct
bentolley1: 17YOR030 Bridge over the old railway line in Smardale
bentolley1: 17YOR031 Smardale Bridge, with the Howgills beyond
bentolley1: 17YOR032 Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR033 Near Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR035 Scandal Beck by Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR037 Smardalegill Viaduct from Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR038 Hello! by Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR039 Smardalegill Viaduct from near Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR041 West across Scandal Beck from above Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR044 Stennerskeugh and Fell End Clouds from near Murthwaite
bentolley1: 17YOR047 Wild Boar Fell and Swarth Fell from near Murthwaite
bentolley1: 17YOR049 Scandal Beck north of Ravenstonedale
bentolley1: 17YOR051 Sheep, north of Ravenstonedale
bentolley1: 17YOR054 Old quarries by Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR055 Trees in old quarry workings near Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR058 Wild thyme near Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR060 Smardale Bridge
bentolley1: 17YOR062 Hen, Sandbed