Bicycle in front Enkhuizen train station restaurant with a view over the IJsselmeer ; Ijssel Lake, Martin’s photographs in Enkhuizen , North Holland ; Noord Holland ; the Netherlands , Nederland , September 27. 2016
Handcar aan een gracht met twee booten ; Push wagon beside a Canal with two boats , Martin’s photographs in Enkhuizen , North Holland ; Noord Holland ; the Netherlands , Nederland , September 27. 2016
Handcar aan een gracht met twee booten ; Push wagon beside a Canal with two boats , photograph converted to black and white, Martin’s photographs , Enkhuizen , North Holland ; Noord Holland ; the Netherlands , Nederland , September 27. 2016
Bicycle in front Enkhuizen train station restaurant with a view over the IJsselmeer ; Ijssel Lake , photograph converted to black and white, Martin’s photograph , Enkhuizen , North Holland ; Noord Holland ; the Netherlands , Nederland , September 27. 2016