lego_tohst: 20091017_1412
lego_tohst: The Commode
lego_tohst: 3/4 Right of the Commode
lego_tohst: The Commodore
lego_tohst: The Commodore and his ship, the Commode
lego_tohst: Thrusters
lego_tohst: Windscreen
lego_tohst: Commordore Looking through the windscreen
lego_tohst: Brickwork
lego_tohst: Right Side
lego_tohst: 20091017_1364
lego_tohst: 20091017_1369
lego_tohst: Lifting the top
lego_tohst: But if you flush...
lego_tohst: Water Piece
lego_tohst: Down in the tank
lego_tohst: In the Secret Compartment
lego_tohst: Tacky Toilet seat cover
lego_tohst: Under the lid is where the Commordore lives
lego_tohst: His fancy chair and his bed
lego_tohst: Sometimes he gets silly with his plunger
lego_tohst: Bed with gun compartment behind it.