Early morning a procession of Bonda men comes down the road with Mahuli liquor and palm wine to sell at the thursday market
Bonda tribeswomen wrapped in a blue cape and their hips covered by a woven sash walk up to 15 kms to reach the market
Bonda tribeswomen wearing the traditional bead costume with beaded skullcap, large ear rings and aluminium neck rings
Bonda women wear long strands of beaded necklaces that cover their naked torsos down to their hips whilst their backs are wrapped in a blue cape
Bonda sisters with long strands of beaded necklaces hanging below their navels and covering their naked torsos
Palm wine obtained through the fermentation of palm tree sap is a 4 to 5% alcohol drink called juice by the Bonda and served even to infants
With Bondas increasingly assimilated into contemporary Indian culture, traditional bead costumes are disappearing
Gadaba women wear enormous copper wire ear-hoops and thick metal chokers which can weigh up to 3 kilos