Traditional brass pot makers are increasingly challenged by factory made products like stainless steel, aluminium and plastic wares
On thursdays of margasira month, floral designs known as Jhoti adorn the space outside the house to attract Goddess Lakshmi
Mural painting of a Hindu woman adorning her place of worship with a rice paste called pithau using her fingers as brushes
Young girl adorning the space outside her home with Jhoti motifs to attract Goddess Lakshmi and hence prosperity
On thursdays of margasira month, villagers adorn the entrance to their home with Jhoti motifs drawn with a rice paste known as pilhau
The Jhoti drawn outside a home is seen as a means to attract Goddess Lakshmi and hence properity in the harvest season
Chai is more than just a cup of tea, it's a ritual, an integral part of the rhythm of life
When a marriage happens in the house, the names of the bride and groom are written on the wall
It is believed that a deceased cremated in the holy city of Puri will attain moksha ie salvation
Swargadwar which litterally means ¨gateway to heaven¨ is one of the most sacred crematorium for Hindus