alainloss: Potters at work
alainloss: Brass statues made using ancestral lost wax technique
alainloss: Brass pot maker at work
alainloss: Traditional brass pot makers are increasingly challenged by factory made products like stainless steel, aluminium and plastic wares
alainloss: On thursdays of margasira month, floral designs known as Jhoti adorn the space outside the house to attract Goddess Lakshmi
alainloss: Mural painting of a Hindu woman adorning her place of worship with a rice paste called pithau using her fingers as brushes
alainloss: Young girl adorning the space outside her home with Jhoti motifs to attract Goddess Lakshmi and hence prosperity
alainloss: On thursdays of margasira month, villagers adorn the entrance to their home with Jhoti motifs drawn with a rice paste known as pilhau
alainloss: The Jhoti drawn outside a home is seen as a means to attract Goddess Lakshmi and hence properity in the harvest season
alainloss: Jhoti is a traditional folk art using coloured powders and rice paste
alainloss: Beautiful and intricate Jhoti floral design drawn just outside the home
alainloss: Chai is more than just a cup of tea, it's a ritual, an integral part of the rhythm of life
alainloss: Villager in front of her painted house
alainloss: Odia tradition of painting wedding invitations on the walls of homes
alainloss: Painting wedding invitations on the walls of homes is a local custom
alainloss: When a marriage happens in the house, the names of the bride and groom are written on the wall
alainloss: Brightly-painted home facade of a newly-wed couple soon to be behind bars !
alainloss: Mourning family members performing the last rite before cremation
alainloss: It is believed that a deceased cremated in the holy city of Puri will attain moksha ie salvation
alainloss: Swargadwar which litterally means ¨gateway to heaven¨ is one of the most sacred crematorium for Hindus
alainloss: Village scene
alainloss: Hindu villager at her doorstep
alainloss: Dhobi wallah (laundry workers) washing clothes in Bhargavi river
alainloss: Sarees drying on the sandy banks of river Bhargavi
alainloss: Morning prayer ritual (known as puja) in Bhargavi river
alainloss: Women bathing and grooming themselves in river Bhargavi
alainloss: Desia Kondh women beating millet with a stick
alainloss: Millet threshing done the traditional and tedious way by beating the grain
alainloss: Desia Kondh tribeswomen threshing millet with a stick
alainloss: Farmer carrying harvested rice on his shoulders