biguglystuff: trio of fawns
biguglystuff: snapper!
biguglystuff: hairy woodpecker
biguglystuff: eastern meadowlark
Werraman: Beutelmeise
Werraman: Zilpzalp
Werraman: Beutelmeise
Werraman: Take Pictures from Home
Werraman: Sumpfmeise
Werraman: Sumpfmeise
Scuba`Steve`: Puffin.......Farne Isles one from the archives
Werraman: Blaukehlchen
Werraman: Blaukehlchen
tregotha1: Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera)
tregotha1: Scarlet Robin (F) (Petroica boodang :ssp: campbelli)
tregotha1: Scarlet Robin (F) (Petroica boodang :ssp: campbelli)
pierre.pruvot2: Gobe-mouche gris (muscicapa striata)
Werraman: Schafstelze
Mark willden: fullsizeoutput_520
Mark willden: fullsizeoutput_51f
Mark willden: fullsizeoutput_51e
sean4646: Fledged Dipper
sean4646: Wow!! 'that zoom lens is huge!'
sean4646: 'Beneath the weir'
sean4646: Mummy's Girl
sean4646: Dipper
sean4646: Dipper
sean4646: Goosander and chicks
sean4646: Blackbird