Postcards_Tolkien: US-4019670
Postcards_Tolkien: US-3893834
Postcards_Tolkien: Scan0002(1)
Postcards_Tolkien: US-3855989
Postcards_Tolkien: Middlin (NA x world RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: Middlin (NA x world RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: US-4155414
Postcards_Tolkien: US-3948450
Postcards_Tolkien: Darkestperu (June'16 alternative RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: KittyCatBee (NA x world RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: Asliej (MFSJuly'16 RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: Scan0004(3)
Postcards_Tolkien: Darkestperu (June'16 50 RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: Maleko (Happy RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: US-3785629
Postcards_Tolkien: US-3785632
Postcards_Tolkien: Moonlight24 (NA x world RR) and akm (Big 50 RR June'16)
Postcards_Tolkien: Byobu (Big 50 RR June'16)
Postcards_Tolkien: US-4217127
Postcards_Tolkien: Pjsubway (NA x World RR)
Postcards_Tolkien: Sammiik723 (from tag)
Postcards_Tolkien: Flaggazer (Monthly Favourite Surprise Oct'16)
Postcards_Tolkien: Kirsji (July-December RR-Winner of November)