mjvolante1: Hey !!! Why you taking my pic ??
mjvolante1: Spot Breasted Oriole
mjvolante1: Gotcha !!
mjvolante1: Backyard
mjvolante1: Keep driving 😎
mjvolante1: Piper at 7 weeks old
mjvolante1: New baby.
mjvolante1: I'm lichen this !
mjvolante1: Just a sip !!
mjvolante1: Stinky the mushroom
mjvolante1: Black witch moth.....
mjvolante1: Rare sighting....wild croc in the city. Usually found in pairs.
mjvolante1: Sometimes you've got to stop and smell the flowers....
mjvolante1: World Trade Center....1979 😢
mjvolante1: Remains of the World Trade Center
mjvolante1: The lizard whisperer....
mjvolante1: If you build it.....they may not come !!!
mjvolante1: Need some stone crabs !!
mjvolante1: Where's my money ???
mjvolante1: No train....no food !
mjvolante1: There can be only one......
mjvolante1: Arcade Theater
mjvolante1: Exit...... stage left .
mjvolante1: Sailing..... sailing away...
mjvolante1: On the Shoulders of Giants
mjvolante1: Christmas in July !
mjvolante1: The wind in my hair
mjvolante1: Willie.....
mjvolante1: The lion has gone OTRB🌈
mjvolante1: Lion at the oasis....