Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Great Horned Owl
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Tree Swallow lovers' quarrel
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Great Horned Owlets
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Great Blue Heron
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Scarlet Tanager
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Scarlet Tanager
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Tree Swallow
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Mute Swan, Eagle Marsh, Fort Wayne, IN
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Red Fox kits
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Food Fight!
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Northern Flicker
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Baby Buck (Whitetail)
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Whtietail Buck
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Virginia Rail in Eagle Marsh, Fort Wayne, IN. Samsung Note 10+ cell phone and Zeiss Diascope spotter.
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Tree Swallow at Eagle Marsh
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Eastern Bluebird
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Whitetail doe and fawn
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
American Kestrel
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Black-crowned Night Heron
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Black-crowned Night Heron
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Dragonfly in TN
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
White Duck in GA
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Stream in Peachtree, GA
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Horses in TN
Scott Straub Digiscoper:
Horse in TN