marionhill1: White-crowned Sparrow
marionhill1: Cedar Waxwing with Serviceberry
marionhill1: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
marionhill1: Pygmy Nuthatch Making Cavities to Store Winter Food
marionhill1: American Robin in Hawthorn Bush
marionhill1: Pygmy Nuthatch at Sap Tree
marionhill1: Pygmy Nuthatch with Pine nut
marionhill1: Pygmy Nuthatch
marionhill1: American Robin in Silver berries
marionhill1: California Quail
marionhill1: Downy Woodpecker
marionhill1: Northern Flicker
marionhill1: Pileated Woodpecker
marionhill1: Northern Flicker
marionhill1: California Quail
marionhill1: Evening Grosbeaks
marionhill1: Lincoln's Sparrow
marionhill1: Yellow-rumped Warbler
marionhill1: Red-winged Blackbird
marionhill1: Balsamroot
marionhill1: Black-headed Grosbeak
marionhill1: Looking for the next Bug
marionhill1: Western Bluebird
marionhill1: Spotted Towhee
marionhill1: Mountain Bluebird
marionhill1: Canyon Wren
marionhill1: Western Bluebirds
marionhill1: House Wren
marionhill1: Bald Eagle
marionhill1: Red-tailed Hawk