**M. a.R.K.**:
Nuestra Senora De Manaoag
**M. a.R.K.**:
La Nuestra Senora Del Sanctissimi Rosarii
**M. a.R.K.**:
Virgen De Medalla Milagrosa
**M. a.R.K.**:
Santo Cristo Fiesta 08
**M. a.R.K.**:
The Altar, newly renovated
**M. a.R.K.**:
Inmaculada Concepcion
**M. a.R.K.**:
I am the Immaculate Conception!
**M. a.R.K.**:
Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage
**M. a.R.K.**:
Mt. Carmel Monument
**M. a.R.K.**:
Mary Mediatrix of All Grace
**M. a.R.K.**:
Ina ng Laging Saklolo
**M. a.R.K.**:
Our Lady of the Abandoned Retablo
**M. a.R.K.**:
Lourdes Grotto
**M. a.R.K.**:
Flores de Maria
**M. a.R.K.**:
From Busan to Nagasaki (June 2010)