Ian C Clark: 10623738_10153731668761100_2243369171298600011_o
Christoph Fischer: The Beauty of Ice
RobGeraghty: What are you doing down there?
Jeff NC: Red shift
Jeff NC: Left Prong Rough Fork
Jeff NC: Autumn, Nantahala River
FPL_2015: Binalong Bay, Tassie
Emanuel D. Fotografie: lautes Wasser
Neil H Mansfield: Latham's Snipe_1308E
Neil H Mansfield: Scarlet Honeyeater (Myzomela sanguinolenta)
Neil H Mansfield: Sooty Oystercatcher_3183E (Haematosus fuliginosus)
Neil H Mansfield: Black-necked Stork or Jabiru_7350E
Neil H Mansfield: Long-billed Corella & Little Corella pair_2216E
Neil H Mansfield: Red-browed Finch_0648E
Neil H Mansfield: Eastern Rosella chicks_9861E - Platycercus eximius
Neil H Mansfield: Blue-winged Parrot chicks being fed (Neophema chrysostoma)
tonydawe1: Australian King Parrot
Nigel Hodson: Kingfisher
Daryl Kelly: Willunga ruins
Maureen Pierre: Spoonbill feeding time - but not for the white heron
Merrillie: Dawn Seascape
The Wanderer27: Beach scene
Andrew Panshin: 20171113-_W0A9847-5
Gary Eastwood: Pathway in the forest
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Harfang des neiges / Snowy Owl / Bubo scandiacus / Ukpik
Mobile Lynn: First steps? 710_9541.jpg
Cathy Lorraine: "180 Degrees Head Turn" Great Horned Owlets
sepofà: _M2A2665l