jefffountain: The Fresh Prince of The Pas
jefffountain: Pine Poplars
jefffountain: Bones of the Teepee. Brochet, Manitoba
jefffountain: Phoenix rising.
jefffountain: Water Smartweed
jefffountain: Soab Creek Wolf
jefffountain: Sasaqiu Rapids in Early Spring
jefffountain: Reeds - Dragonfly - Smartweed
jefffountain: Beaver Cuts Through Verdant Reflection
jefffountain: Gold Meets Green
jefffountain: Temperature
jefffountain: Fog Setting in at Soab Creek
jefffountain: Blue and Gold
jefffountain: Sasaqiu Rapids - Abstract
jefffountain: Mitishto's Winter Jewels
jefffountain: Mitishto's Winter Jewels - 2
jefffountain: Autumn Glow
jefffountain: Jewels on the Mitishto
jefffountain: Temporal
jefffountain: Ursus Major Carries Aurora
jefffountain: Standouts
jefffountain: Twilight Falls at Pisew
jefffountain: Study of Reeds
jefffountain: Gustav Klimts Beaver
jefffountain: Five Sisters
jefffountain: Setting Lake Launch Pano
jefffountain: Luna Moth