wowcarn: tessellating crosses
wowcarn: spin cycle in progress
wowcarn: really bright table mat
wowcarn: cowgirls and aliens
wowcarn: retro spin cycle
wowcarn: warm colors
wowcarn: strip pieced tesselation
wowcarn: random tesselation
wowcarn: plotting
wowcarn: grey - good
wowcarn: grey - good detail
wowcarn: january ice
wowcarn: Radiant Energy
wowcarn: not quite right yet
wowcarn: ghinsu variation
wowcarn: ghinsu variation
wowcarn: trip around the world
wowcarn: trip around the world - detail
wowcarn: trip around the world - detail
wowcarn: trip around the world - detail