TojoLeo: Mirroring
TojoLeo: Weißbindiger Mohrenfalter - Arran Brown - Erebia Ligea
TojoLeo: Curious hedgehog
TojoLeo: Hedgehog youngsters exploring the hood
TojoLeo: „This was yummy“
TojoLeo: Magic Morning Light
TojoLeo: Pastel Color Palette
TojoLeo: European Beech - Süntelbuche
TojoLeo: Schopf-Tintling // Shaggy Ink Cap // Coprinus Comatus
TojoLeo: Birch on the rocks :)
TojoLeo: Into the woodlands
TojoLeo: Honeysuckle Bokeh
TojoLeo: Gannet on the cliffs of Boreray
TojoLeo: Heath Spotted Orchid
TojoLeo: Icicles at Hexenklamm - "Witch Gorge"
TojoLeo: Winter Morning Light
TojoLeo: Icicles in stream
TojoLeo: Leaf Skeleton
TojoLeo: Macro Mushrooms: Scarlet Cup, Scharlachrroter Kelchbecherling, Sarcoscypha coccinea
TojoLeo: Spring is coming - vintage lens photography
TojoLeo: Squirrel enjoying early spring sun
TojoLeo: First Crocus - spring is coming
TojoLeo: Spring Blossom
TojoLeo: Landscape with puddles
TojoLeo: Hyazinthe - Yashinon 50mm f17 03 2024
TojoLeo: Wood Anemone //Anemone Nemorosa // Buschwindroeschen
TojoLeo: Mystic, illuminated fog
TojoLeo: Spring Blossoms
TojoLeo: Faulbaum-Bläuling
TojoLeo: Baby Lizard - Eidechse