Y.K. Photography: marijuana
Y.K. Photography: There is no black-and-white situation. It's all part of life. Highs, lows, middles.
Y.K. Photography: Pervez Khan
Y.K. Photography: The positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.
Y.K. Photography: Rameesha Arif
Y.K. Photography: Child Potrait
Y.K. Photography: Grey shades potrait
Y.K. Photography: Habibullah Qureshi
Y.K. Photography: Fashion say “me too” style says “Only me”
Y.K. Photography: The beach smile
Y.K. Photography: portrait Series
Y.K. Photography: Khalid Saifuddin Alavi
Y.K. Photography: Khalid Saifuddin
Y.K. Photography: Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that colors never can
Y.K. Photography: Portrait series
Y.K. Photography: H2O reflections
Y.K. Photography: The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.