hiroki.sato: 浅草寺
hiroki.sato: 六義園
hiroki.sato: autumn garden
hiroki.sato: autumn garden
hiroki.sato: autumn garden
hiroki.sato: autumn garden in temple
hiroki.sato: autumn color
hiroki.sato: autumn color
hiroki.sato: autumn color
hiroki.sato: 殿ヶ谷戸庭園
hiroki.sato: cosmos garden
hiroki.sato: cosmos garden
hiroki.sato: cosmos garden
hiroki.sato: autumn garden
hiroki.sato: 新宿御苑
hiroki.sato: 新宿御苑
hiroki.sato: cosmos
hiroki.sato: cosmos
hiroki.sato: garden in the dark
hiroki.sato: garden in the dark
hiroki.sato: autumn garden
hiroki.sato: autumn color
hiroki.sato: burning red in autumn
hiroki.sato: autumn color
hiroki.sato: autumnleaves
hiroki.sato: 新宿御苑
hiroki.sato: autumnleaves
hiroki.sato: 昭和記念公園
hiroki.sato: autumn garden
hiroki.sato: autumnleaves in temple