donmai651: All the world can be a stage
donmai651: History takes the stage
donmai651: Muro Romano
donmai651: Exit stage left
donmai651: Back stage door, to antiquity
donmai651: Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant...
donmai651: The show must go on. Teatro Romano de Merida
donmai651: Historical Arco de Trejano
donmai651: Diana
donmai651: Through the passage of antiquity
donmai651: 20171203_221805
donmai651: Temple of Diana
donmai651: 20171101103715_IMG_9817
donmai651: Built to a godess of old
donmai651: 20171203_223123
donmai651: 20171102051838_Z34A9945
donmai651: Home to a Godess of old and the hunt
donmai651: 20171102_111111
donmai651: So ya, thought you might like to go to the show
donmai651: Jazz at dusk under the arch
donmai651: Puente Romano sorbe El Albarregas
donmai651: Time once flowed
donmai651: Exit stage left
donmai651: Come and see the show
donmai651: Entry to Antiquity
donmai651: Ingressum
donmai651: Veoir Gladiatores
donmai651: Passage of time
donmai651: Arches of a time long gone
donmai651: Best seat in the houseMerida, Emerita Augusta- Founded as a Roman colony in the year 25 AC by order of Emperor Octavio Augusto to serve as a retreat for the veteran soldiers ( emeritus ) of the legions V Alaudae and X Gemina ; hence its Roman name of Emer